
Thinking about moving to Warren County, NJ?

I am a transplant to this area who has lived here for ten years. I've resided here long enough to know my way around, but not so long that my opinions would be colored by the emotional attachment of being a Warren County "Lifer." No, there is a definite difference between someone like me, who settled in this area as an adult after living in other parts of the state, versus someone who grew up in Warren County and therefore knows no other way. Basically, I can give you comparisons.

I've often Googled the names of other towns and counties in this state, wondering what life is like there and if there's a spot online where one can get the "real scoop" on a specific area. Since I never did find a site like this, I thought it might be cool to create one. So... please come back and visit this blog, often, for general information, reviews and my *personal* opinion on everything from the schools to the night life to the best hot dog stands, and all that is scenic, beautiful, Warren County, NJ.

Bookmark this blog: http://warrencountynj.blogspot.com! Thanks for reading.